Despite being extremely vital to human existence, air quality is the most neglected aspect of the modern lifestyle. The spectrum of air pollution is often limited to industrial gases and vehicle emissions. But here, you have to keep in mind that the worst air you breathe every day can be lurking in your home. This toxic air creates a layer of indoor air pollutants that poses serious dangers to the health of the entire family. If you still can’t believe it, here are 10 alarming facts about indoor air quality that you need to know.

1) Indoor Air Comprises More Than 500 Pollutants:

An Environmental Health Sciences report found that contemporary homes are infested with more than 500 chemicals, including pesticides, mold, tobacco smoke, arsenic, asbestos and other harmful compounds.

2) Your Furniture May Be Polluting Your Air Quality:

Most furniture in modern homes contains flame retardants with toxic substances called PBDEs. Inhalation of this toxin may cause respiration.

3) Even Energy-Efficient Building Aren’t Safe:

Energy-efficient buildings have limited ventilation. This limits the flow of harmful gases and chemicals emitted by indoor pollutants.

4) Candles And Air Fresheners Are Really Dangerous:

Most odorants (indoor air fresheners) contain harmful chemicals, such as terpenes, which lead to respiratory diseases and disruption of hormonal functions in children. Even candles can be dangerous because of the carcinogens and hydrocarbons in them.

5) Polluted Indoor Air Can Be Worse Than Outdoor Pollution:

Studies suggest that indoor pollution may be more dangerous than outdoor polluted air. It is included in the top five environmental hazards listed by the US EPA.

6) Children Are Most Vulnerable To Airborne Pollutants:

Children are more sensitive to these pollutants because they inhale toxins in larger quantities. Their immune system is not strong enough to fight back allergic reactions.

7) Inkjet Printers Can Cause Indoor Air Pollution:

Printing inks contain industrial chemicals like glymes. These chemicals can lead to severe reproductive damages.

8) Increases Chances of Asthma in Children:

Asthma has become a silent epidemic for children and even adults. Indoor allergens and tobacco smoke are cited as the main causes behind the increase in the number of asthma patients. In America alone, 1 in 10 people suffer from this problem.

9) Wood Smoke Is Equally Damaging:

In homes that rely on wood for heating and cooking, wood smoke is a dangerous invader for the health of people living there. Prenatal exposure to this pollution may cause genetic defects: Prenatal exposure to this pollution may cause genetic defects.

10) Prenatal Exposure To This Pollution Can Cause Genetic Deformities:

These include lower birth weight, increased risk of cancer, childhood asthma and slower growth. This exposure may also cause your baby’s brain to develop less.

These facts prove that poor indoor air quality is dangerous, but you can control it with an air purifier system installed in your home.